Wednesday, January 16, 2008

You Better Be Quick

"It isn't age which makes us wise. Nor even experience, as people pretend. It's the quickness of the spirit. The quick and the dead...You, of all people, should know what I mean. There are only two classes in the world - and in every world - the quick and the dead." - Henry Miller

We wonder when everyday becomes a quick day and not just every other.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's Personal

Willem De Kooning

In 1939, Clement Greenberg, an American art critic associated with Abstract Expressionism (think: Pollock, the mind spilled on paper, unabashed revelary) said, "The arts came to be regarded as nothing more or less than so many powers of the personality." There is quite truth in this statement: YOU can't hide beneath any may as well know it now.

Willem de Kooning pictured above. 1957.

Thursday, January 10, 2008



Black and White. Cigarettes. Gena Rowlands. A Cassavetes one night stand. Watch it.

A French Wedding

Updater: Sarkozy and Bruni plan to wed - "It's serious." How exciting!

The Amused Reader


The great Marcel Proust describes his ideal relationship with his readers: "It seemed to me, that they would not be 'my' readers but readers of their own selves, my book being merely a sort of magnifying glance like those which the optician at Combray used to offer his customers - it would be my book but with it I would furnish them the means of reading what lay inside themselves. So that I would not ask them to praise me or to censure me, but simply to tell me whether 'it really is like that.' I should ask whether or not the words that they read within themselves are the same as those which I have written" (In Search of Lost Time).

We are all meaning makers, creators, fabricators. It's the job of the writer to recognize this and play with the notion.

"One must be an inventor to read well" (Emerson). With a clout on the head, the writer lets the reader invent and make the words his own.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008